Citation counts are taken from Google Scholar @ 5 April 2024
Journal articles refereed
Naseer, H.; Desouza, K.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2024). Enabling cybersecurity incident response agility through dynamic capabilities: the role of real-time analytics. European Journal of Information Systems. v33:2, 200-220. [20%, Top 25% - IF 9.5, 9 Cites]
Xu, J.; Naseer, H.; Maynard, S.; Filippou, J.; (2024). Using Analytical Information for Digital Business Transformation through DataOps: A Review and Conceptual Framework. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. v28, 39 pages. [20%, Other 75% - IF 2.1, 0 Cites]
Naseer, A.; Naseer, H.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Siddiqui, A. M.; (2023). Moving towards agile cybersecurity incident response: A case study exploring the enabling role of big data analytics-embedded dynamic capabilities. Computers & Security. v135, 13 pages. [20%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 4 Cites]
Black, S.; Davern, M.; Maynard, S. B; Nasser, H.; (2023). Data governance and the secondary use of data: The board influence. Information and Organization. v33:2, 23 pages. [20%, Top 25% - IF 6.3, 9 Cites]
Ainslie, S.; Thompson, D.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; (2023). Cyber-Threat Intelligence for Security Decision-Making: A Review and Research Agenda for Practice. Computers & Security. 16 pages. [20%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 11 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Chang, S.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Alammary, A.; (2022). Embedding information security management in organisations: improving participation and engagement through intra-organisational Liaison. Security Journal. 28 pages. [20%, Top 25% - IF 1.2, 3 Cites]
Thompson, N.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2021). Do privacy concerns determine online information disclosure? The case of internet addiction. Information & Computer Security. 12 pages. [15%, Other 75% - IF 1.4, 3 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Motahhir, S.; Anderson, A.; (2021). Case-based learning in the management practice of information security: an innovative pedagogical instrument. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. v25:5, 853-877. [40%, Top 25% - IF 3.0, 10 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2021). Applying social marketing to evaluate current security education training and awareness programs in organisations. Computers & Security. v100, 19 pages. [30%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 43 Cites]
Naseer, H.; Maynard, S. B; Desouza, K. C; (2021). Demystifying analytical information processing capability: The case of cybersecurity incident response. Decision Support Systems. 11 pages. [15%, Top 25% - IF 7.5, 49 Cites]
Naseer, A.; Naseer, H.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Siddiqui, A. M.; (2021). Real-time analytics, incident response process agility and enterprise cybersecurity performance: A contingent resource-based analysis. International Journal of Information Management. v59, 10 pages. [25%, Top 25% - IF 21.0, 60 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Desouza, K. C; Kotsias, J.; Whitty, M. T; Baskerville, R. L; (2021). How can Organizations Develop Situation Awareness for Incident Response: A Case Study of Management Practice. Computers & Security. v101, 15 pages. [30%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 107 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Desouza, K. C; Maynard, S. B; Naseer, H.; Baskerville, R. L; (2020). How integration of cyber security management and incident response enables organizational learning. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. v71:8, 939-953. [20%, Top 25% - IF 3.5, 116 Cites]
Maynard, S. B; Onibere, M.; Ahmad, A.; (2018). Defining the Strategic Role of the Chief Information Security Officer. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. v10:3, 61-86. [40%, Top 25% - IF 1.8, 27 Cites]
Maynard, S.; Tan, T.; Ahmad, A.; Ruighaver, T.; (2018). Towards a framework for strategic security context in information security governance. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. v10:4, 65-88. [50%, Top 25% - IF 1.8, 31 Cites]
Horne, C. A; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2017). Organisational Information Security Strategy: Review, Discussion and Future Research. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. v21, 17 pages. [25%, Other 75% - IF 2.1, 32 Cites]
Richardson, M.; Bosua, R.; Clark, K.; Webb, J.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2017). Towards responsive regulation of the Internet of Things: Australian perspectives. Internet Policy Review. v6:1, 14 pages. [15%, Top 25% - IF 3.6, 11 Cites]
Webb, J.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Shanks, G.; (2016). Foundations for an Intelligence-driven Information Security Risk-management System. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA). v17:3, 25-51. [30%, Top 25% - IF N/A, 26 Cites]
Caron, X.; Bosua, R.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2016). The Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on individual privacy: An Australian perspective. Computer Law & Security Review. v32:1, 4-15. [25%, Top 25% - IF 2.9, 176 Cites]
Richardson, M.; Bosua, R.; Clark, K.; Webb, J.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2016). Privacy and the Internet of Things. Media and Arts Law Review. v21, 336-351. [15%, Other 75% - IF N/A, 0 Cites]
Elyas, M.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Lonie, A.; (2015). Digital forensic readiness: Expert perspectives on a theoretical framework. Computers & Security. v52, 70-89. [25%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 91 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Shanks, G.; (2015). A case analysis of information systems and security incident responses. International Journal of Information Management. v35:6, 717-723. [30%, Top 25% - IF 21.0, 126 Cites]
Cosic, R.; Shanks, G.; Maynard, S. B; (2015). A business analytics capability framework. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. v19, 18 pages. [25%, Other 75% - IF 2.1, 153 Cites]
Lim, J. S.; Maynard, S. B.; Ahmad, A.; Chang, S.; (2015). Information Security Culture: Towards an Instrument for Assessing Security Management Practices. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IJCWT). v5:2, 31-52. [30%, Other 75% - IF 0.5, 11 Cites]
Elyas, M.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; Lonie, A.; (2014). Towards A Systemic Framework For Digital Forensic Readiness.. Journal of Computer Information Systems. v54:3, 97-105. [25%, Other 75% - IF 2.8, 82 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2014). Teaching information security management: reflections and experiences. Information Management & Computer Security. v22:5, 513-536. [50%, Other 75% - IF 1.4, 56 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Park, S.; (2014). Information security strategies: Towards an organizational multi-strategy perspective. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. v25:2, 257-370. [40%, Top 25% - IF 8.3, 211 Cites]
Webb, J.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Shanks, G.; (2014). A situation awareness model for information security risk management. Computers & security. v44, 15 pages. [25%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 249 Cites]
Webb, J.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; Shanks, G.; (2014). Information Security Risk Management: An Intelligence-Driven Approach. Australasian Journal of Information Systems. v18:3, 14 pages. [25%, Other 75% - IF 2.1, 11 Cites]
Elyas, M.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; Lonie, A.; (2014). Forensic Readiness: Is Your Organisaton Ready?. Digital Forensics Magazine. 58-62. [20%, Other 75% - IF N/A, 0 Cites]
Ruighaver, A. B.; Maynard, S. B; Warren, M; (2010). Ethical decision making: Improving the quality of acceptable use policies. Computers & Security. v29:7, 731-736. [45%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 35 Cites]
Ruighaver, A. B.; Maynard, S. B; Chang, S.; (2007). Organisational security culture: Extending the end-user perspective. Computers & Security. v26:1, 56-62. [40%, Top 25% - IF 5.6, 303 Cites]
Maynard, S.; Burstein, F.; Arnott, D.; (2001). A multi-faceted decision support system evaluation approach. Journal of decision systems. v10:45385, 395-428. [90%, Other 75% - IF 3.4, 35 Cites]
Conference papers refereed​
Xu, J.; Naseer, H.; Maynard, S. B; Filippou, J.; (2023). Managing and Making Sense of Data to Drive Digital Transformation: A Case Study. International Conference on Information Systems. 17 Pages. [25%, Top 5%, 0 Cites]
Dang-Pham, D.; Thompson, N.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2023). Exploring the Antecedents of Shadow Information Security Practices. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [10%, Top 5 - 20%, 0 Cites]
O'Neill, A.; Maynard, S. B.; Ahmad, A.; Filippou, J.; (2022). Cybersecurity Incident Response in Organisations: A Meta-level Framework for Scenario-based Training. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 13 pages. [35%, Top 5 - 20%, 2 Cites]
Arshad, A.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B.; (2022). Factors Influencing the Organizational Decision to Outsource IT Security. Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP). 18 pages. [15%, Other 80%, 1 Cites]
Xu, J.; Naseer, H.; Maynard, S.B.; Filippou, J.; (2021). Leveraging Data and Analytics for Digital Business Transformation through DataOps: An Information Processing Perspective. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 14 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 2 Cites]
Lakshmi, Ritu; Naseer, H.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2021). Sensemaking in Cybersecurity Incident Response: The interplay of Organizations, Technology, and Individuals. European Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 8 Cites]
A Ahmad, SB Maynard, S Motahhir; (2020). Teaching Information Security Management in Postgraduate Tertiary Education: The Case of Horizon Automotive Industries. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 10 pages. [40%, Top 5 - 20%, 0 Cites]
Black, S.; Davern, M. J; Maynard, S. B; Naseer, H.; (2020). Opportunity or Threat: Board Perspectives on the Secondary Use of Data. 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 8 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 1 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Motahhir, S.; Alshaikh, M.; (2020). Teaching Information Security Management Using an Incident of Intellectual Property Leakage. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 10 pages. [40%, Top 5 - 20%, 1 Cites]
Naseer, H.; Maynard, S. B; Xu, J.; (2020). Modernizing business analytics capability with DataOps: A decision-making agility perspective. European Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 5 Cites]
Ahmad, A.; Desouza, K.; Maynard, S. B; Whitty, M.; Kotsias, J.; Baskerville, R.; (2020). Situation-Awareness in Incident Response: An In-depth Case Study and Process Model. International Conference on Information Systems. 9 pages. [20%, Top 5%, 7 Cites]
CK Wong, S.B. Maynard, A. Ahmad, H Naseer; (2020). Information Security Governance: A Process Model and Pilot Case Study. International Conference on Information Systems. 9 pages. [35%, Top 5%, 10 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2020). Security education, training, and awareness: Incorporating a social marketing approach for behavioural change. Information and Cyber Security: 19th International Conference, ISSA 2020, Pretoria, South Africa, August 25–26, 2020, Revised Selected Papers 19. 81-95. [30%, Other 80%, 4 Cites]
Horne, C. A; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2020). Towards Governance of Information Security Incident Response. Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy. 10 pages. [25%, Other 80%, 2 Cites]
Gupta, A.; Maynard, S. B.; Ahmad, A.; (2019). The Dark Web Phenomenon: A Review and Research Agenda. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [35%, Top 5 - 20%, 31 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Naseer, H.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2019). Toward Sustainable Behaviour Change: An Approach For Cyber Security Education Training And Awareness. European Conference on Information Systems. 15 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 47 Cites]
Altukruni, H.; Maynard, S. B.; Alshaikh, M.; Ahmad, A.; (2019). Exploring Knowledge Leakage Risk in Knowledge-Intensive Organisations: behavioural aspects and key controls. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 75-85. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 9 Cites]
Horne, C. A; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2019). A Theory on Information Security: A Pilot Study. Proceedings of the 14th Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy. v1, 23 pages. [25%, Other 80%, 6 Cites]
Onibere, M.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2019). Dynamic Information Security Management Capability: Strategising for Organisational Performance. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 674-680. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 0 Cites]
Shah, A. H.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Naseer, H.; (2019). Enhancing Strategic Information Security Management in Organizations through Information Warfare Practices. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 449-455. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 0 Cites]
Agudelo-Serna, C.; Bosua, R.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2018). Towards A Knowledge Leakage Mitigation Framework For Mobile Devices In Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. European Conference on Information Systems. 21 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 2 Cites]
Naseer, H.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; Shanks, G.; (2018). Cybersecurity Risk Management Using Analytics: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach. International Conference on Information Systems. 9 pages. [25%, Top 5%, 15 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; Chang, S.; (2018). An Exploratory Study of Current Information Security Training and Awareness Practices in Organizations. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 10 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 68 Cites]
Serna, C. A. A.; Bosua, R.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; (2017). Addressing Knowledge Leakage Risk caused by the use of mobile devices in Australian Organizations. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 14 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 9 Cites]
Webb, J.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; Baskerville, R.; Shanks, G.; (2017). Organizational Security Learning from Incident Response. International Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [30%, Top 5%, 11 Cites]
Onibere, M.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2017). The Chief Information Security Officer and the Five Dimensions of a Strategist. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 13 pages. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 13 Cites]
Naseer, H.; Shanks, G.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2017). Towards An Analytics-Driven Information Security Risk Management: A Contingent Resource Based Perspective. European Conference on Information Systems. 2645-2655. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 12 Cites]
Tan, T.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; Ruighaver, T.; (2017). Information Security Governance: A Case Study of the Strategic Context of Information Security. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 15 pages. [35%, Top 5 - 20%, 16 Cites]
Agudelo-Serna, C. A.; Bosua, R.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2017). Strategies to Mitigate Knowledge Leakage Risk caused by the use of mobile devices: A Preliminary Study. International Conference on Information Systems. 19 pages. [15%, Top 5%, 15 Cites]
Pitruzzello, S.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2017). A Framework for Mitigating Leakage of Competitively Sensitive Knowledge in Start-ups. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 10 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 0 Cites]
Naseer, H.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; (2016). Business Analytics in Information Security Risk Management: The Contingent Effect on Security Performance. 24th European Conference on Information Systems Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15th June. 10 pages. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 12 Cites]
Horne, C.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B.; (2016). A Theory on Information Security. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 24 Cites]
Arregui, D. A.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2016). Mitigating BYOD information security risks. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 21 Cites]
Naseer, H.; Shanks, G.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B.; (2016). Enhancing Information Security Risk Management with Security Analytics: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 11 Cites]
Serna, C. A. A.; Bosua, R.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S.; (2016). Mitigating Knowledge Leakage Risk in Organizations through Mobile Devices: A Contextual Approach. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 5 Cites]
Moniruzzaman, M.; Kurnia, Sherah; Parkes, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2015). Business Intelligence And Supply Chain Agility. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 19 Cites]
Agudelo, C. A; Bosua, R.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2015). Understanding Knowledge Leakage & BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): A Mobile Worker Perspective. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 32 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; Chang, S.; (2015). Information Security Policy: A Management Practice Perspective. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 14 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 30 Cites]
Horne, C. A; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2015). Information Security Strategy in Organisations: Review, Discussion and Future Research Directions. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 14 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 16 Cites]
Zurita, H.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2015). Evaluating the Utility of Research Articles for Teaching Information Security Management. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 3 Cites]
Alshaikh, M.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; Chang, S.; (2014). Towards a Taxonomy of Information Security Management Practices in Organisations. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 36 Cites]
Ng, Z. X.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, S. B; (2013). Information Security Management: Factors that Influence Security Investments in SMES. 11th Australian Information Security Management Conference. Churchlands, Australia. 16 pages. [25%, Other 80%, 26 Cites]
Chen, H.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2013). A comparison of information security curricula in China and the USA. 11th Australian Information Security Management Conference. Churchlands, Australia. 14 pages. [25%, Other 80%, 13 Cites]
Webb, J.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; Shanks, G.; (2013). Towards an Intelligence-Driven Information Security Risk Management Process for Organisations. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 10 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 9 Cites]
Cosic, R.; Shanks, G.; Maynard, S.; (2012). Towards a business analytics capability maturity model. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 11 pages. [25%, Top 5 - 20%, 220 Cites]
Park, S.; Ruighaver, A. B.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2012). Towards understanding deterrence: information security managers’ perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 2011. 21-37. [20%, Other 80%, 35 Cites]
Maynard, SB; Ruighaver, AB; Ahmad, A; (2011). Stakeholders In Security Policy Development. 9th Australian Information Security Management Conference. 182-188. [80%, Other 80%, 42 Cites]
Lim, J. S.; Ahmad, A.; Chang, S.; Maynard, S.; (2010). Embedding information security culture emerging concerns and challenges. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2010, Taipei, Taiwan (July 2010). 463-474. [20%, Top 5 - 20%, 88 Cites]
Lim, J. S.; Chang, S.; Maynard, S.; Ahmad, A.; (2009). Exploring the relationship between organizational culture and information security culture. Australian information security management conference. 88-97. [20%, Other 80%, 101 Cites]
Maynard, SB; Ruighaver, AB; (2007). Security Policy Quality: A Multiple Constituency Perspective. Assuring business processes, proc. of the 6th annual security conference, Global Publishing, USA, Washington DC (11–12 April 2007). 14 pages. [90%, Other 80%, 8 Cites]
Maynard, S; Ruighaver, AB; (2006). What makes a good information security policy: a preliminary framework for evaluating security policy quality. Proceedings of the fifth annual security conference, Las Vegas, Nevada USA. 15 pages. [90%, Other 80%, 41 Cites]
Ruighaver, A.; Maynard, S.; (2006). Organizational Security Culture: More Than Just an End-User Phenomenon. Proceedings of the 21st IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference (IFIP/SEC 2006), Karlstad, Sweden. 425-430. [40%, Other 80%, 19 Cites]
Koh, K; Ruighaver, A. B.; Maynard, S. B; Ahmad, A.; (2005). Security Governance: Its Impact on Security Culture.. AISM. 47-58. [30%, Other 80%, 55 Cites]
Lonie, A.; Maynard, S; Ruighaver, T.; Wei, D.; (2005). A case study of organisational response to electronic and non-electronic financial crimes. ACIS 2005 Proceedings. 10 pages. [30%, Top 5 - 20%, 1 Cites]
Chia, PA; Maynard, SB; Ruighaver, AB; (2002). Understanding organizational security culture. Proceedings of PACIS2002. Japan. v158, 731-740. [35%, Top 5 - 20%, 107 Cites]
Chia, P; Maynard, S; Ruighaver, A; (2002). Exploring organisational security culture: Developing a comprehensive research model. IS ONE World Conference, USA. 11 pages. [40%, Other 80%, 45 Cites]
Maynard, S; Ruighaver, AB; (2002). Evaluating IS Security Policy Development. Third Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference, Perth, Australia. 8 pages. [70%, Other 80%, 10 Cites]
Maynard, SB; Ruighaver, AB; Sandow-Quirk, MJ; (2002). Redefining the Information System Security Policy. IS ONE World Conference. 12 pages. [85%, Other 80%, 4 Cites]
Maynard, S.; Arnott, DR; Burstein, F.; (1999). A Method For Multiple Criteria Evaluation of DSS In A Multiple-Constituency Environment. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems, Melbourne. 699-713. [70%, Other 80%, 9 Cites]
Maynard, S. B.; Ruighaver, T.; (1999). An Analysis of IS Security Policy Evaluation. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 577-585. [70%, Top 5 - 20%, 2 Cites]
Maynard, S.; Arnott, D.; Burstein, F.; (1995). DSS Evaluation Criteria: A Multiple-Constituency Approach. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 699-713. [70%, Top 5 - 20%, 7 Cites]
Maynard, S.; Arnott, D.; (1994). A Multiple Constituency Approach to Decision Support Systems Evaluation. Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 12 pages. [70%, Top 5 - 20%, 3 Cites]
O'Donnell, P A; Maynard, S B; Grant, K; (1991). Executive Impressions of a Computerised Logistics Simulation Game. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, Launceston. 491-500. [30%, Other 80%, 0 Cites]
Research book chapters refereed​
Chia, P., Maynard, S., and Ruighaver, A.B. (2003) "Understanding Organisational Security Culture" in Information Systems: The Challenges of Theory and Practice, Hunter, M. G. and Dhanda, K. K. (eds), Information Institute, Las Vegas, USA, pages 335 - 365 [35%, N/A, 0 Cites].
Lim, J. S.; Chang, S.; Ahmad, A.; Maynard, SB; (2012). Towards an organizational culture framework for information security practices. Strategic and Practical Approaches for Information Security Governance: Technologies and Applied Solutions. 296-315. [15%, N/A, 20 Cites]
Maynard, S; Ruighaver, AB; (2003). Development and evaluation of information system security policies. Information Systems: The Challenges of Theory and Practice. 366-393. [90%, N/A, 13 Cites]
Un-refereed publications​
CAA Serna, R Bosua, SB Maynard, A Ahmad (2016). Mitigating Knowledge Leakage Risk in Organizations through Mobile Devices: A Contextual Approach, 4TH ANNUAL DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM
M Onibere, A Ahmad, S Maynard (2016) Information Security Strategy: Beyond Protection, Towards an Organisational Information Security Capability. 4TH ANNUAL DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM, 65
M Alshaikh, SB Maynard, A Ahmad, S Chang (2016). Information Security Management Practices in Organisations. 4TH ANNUAL DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM, 52
H Naseer, S Maynard, A Ahmad (2016). Business Analytics in Information Security Risk Management: The Contingent Effect on Security Performance, 4TH ANNUAL DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM, 59
Ahmad, A; Maynard, S.B.; Chang, S (2015) “Memo to Business: Information Security is not just IT’s Problem”. The Conversation, 23 March 2015
Elyas, Mohamed; Ahmad, Atif; Maynard, Sean; Lonie, Andrew (2014) "Forensic Readiness: Is Your Organisation Ready?" Digital Forensics Magazine, Issue 18, February.
Maynard S., Arnott, D. R. & Burstein, F. (1999) 'A Multiple Criteria, Multiple Constituency Approach for DSS Evaluation', Working Paper 2, Department of Information Systems, University of Melbourne (March).
Maynard S. & Arnott, D.R. (1995) 'Decision Support System Evaluation Techniques: A Review', Working Paper 1/95, Dept of Information Systems, Monash University, Melbourne.
Maynard S., O'Donnell P.A. & Furniss A.L. (1992), 'An Information Systems Perspective on the Information Requirements of Logistics Executives', Working Paper 10/92, Dept of Information Systems, Monash University, Melbourne.
Doctor of Philosophy
Maynard, S.B. (2010) "Strategic Information Security Policy Quality Assessment: A Multiple Constituency Perspective" PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne.
Supervisors: Dr. Tobias Ruighaver (The University of Melbourne, retired), Dr. Atif Ahmad (The University of Melbourne
Master of Information Systems
Maynard, S.B. (1997) "A multiple-constituency approach for the evaluation of decision support systems" M.Comp Thesis, Department of Information Systems, Monash University.
Supervisors: Prof David Arnott (Monash University, retired), AProf Frada Burstein (Monash University)
Maynard, S.B. (1991) "Issues in the Development of Executive Information Systems" B.Comp.(Hons) Thesis, Department of Information Systems, Monash University.
Supervisors: Prof David Arnott (Monash University, retired)